Saturday, November 19, 2011

Who donated the football field to Lapwai High School?

Okay so I heard that someone famous or something or other... donated a lot of money for the football field out in Lapwai, Idaho to come about. Anyone know anything about that?|||Lillian Bounds (Disney)|||Lol, small towns. Why don't you contact your local chamber of commerce or city hall? They should be able to tell you.

Hey Bob, anytime you want to stop being an a**, feel free to let me know, k tough guy? I'm FROM a small town, not being insulting, more often than NOT, school administrators will have not a clue in the world who donated a certain amount of money to their organization, it would be CITY or TOWNSHIPS that the donor would have to go through. I worked for city hall in a town with a pop. of less than 10,000 for 4 and half years. I'm giving her info so she won't be b.s'd and transferred around for her answer.

Call it like I see it, "Sarge". And don't question my parenting tactics, please, when you pass a child through YOUR body, come and talk to me about parenting skills. You have not a clue in the world, my friend.|||"Lol, small towns. Why don't you contact your local chamber of commerce or city hall? They should be able to tell you."

Or contact the school, itself.


Mama2be. Rather touchy aren't you? All I did was suggest contacting the school. All the high football stadiums I officiated at, or attended as a fan, had plaques stating the donor, or donors, of the facility. Better increase your hormone dosage, and cool down. And do away with the name calling. It doesn't befit a future Mommy.

Sarge|||The Lapwai Indian tribe paid for it from the millions the they made in their casino business.|||DONALD TRUMP

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