Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Are there any internship opportunities in the field of aviation for high school students?

I've found many through the airlines for college students, but I can't find any opportunities for people my age.

I'm 17 years old and a junior in high school... I'm basically looking for any aviation related placement over the summer of 2010, if any exist.

Thanks!|||There aren't enough out there for the college students majoring in aviation who want them so I'm rather doubtful you're going to find anything. Good luck though|||He is right, there isnt a whole lot of "good" jobs, ecspecially without training. There are jobs out there for refueling, detailing, shop hand, parts getters, etc... If you can get your foot in the door with one of those jobs, If its part time, you can go to school for your A+P licenses. If you work your way up a bit and want to work on airplanes, 3 years of practical experience qualifies you to take the A+P test for your licenses as well. Either way, your A+P is the basic entry level requirement for most serious aviation jobs outside of being a pilot.

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