Saturday, November 19, 2011

What career opportunities are there in the journalism field for a high school student?

One of my best friends has a great desire to go to Yale to pursue journalism. One of things that she wants to do is pursue journalism outside of school by doing internship or something. She is a great writer and I just wanted some ideas as to what she could do outside of school to enhance her experience and show that she really cares about journalism when she applies. It is her great passion, so if any one has any ideas let me know. Thank you.|||Her biggest concern is to start to build her portfolio. Therefore, she wants to be able to show clips of things that she has written. This can include excerpts from her blog, letters to the editors at her favorite magazines, etc.

They understand that she has limited experience but she wants to be able to show a variety of different areas: copy writing, news clips, full lenght articles, short articles. Anything she may have writtern in high school can be added to her portfolio. Place them in a nice binder or portfolio.

She can intern with a PR firm, graphic artist, local radio station who may need a copy writer. There are a lot of newsletters and local papers that accept writing submissions.

Offer to write articles for her church paper or anyone who will let her write.

Journalism covers a lot of areas and she will want to explore narrowing down her focus over the summer so when they ask her want she intends to do with a Journalism degree, she can give direct answers. Best wishes to your friend!|||She can write for the school newspaper or write freelance articles in her spare time. If you Google search you can find tons of submission requests, some paid, some not, but anything published will help her portfolio. She can also gain practice by writing opinion editorials and letters to the editor at the local newspaper.

Interning is great, but they usually take college students who have more flexible schedules.|||The first thing she needs to do is write for her school newspaper or magazine. Any kind of writing she can do would be great. If she starts there, she has enough clips to go off and get an internship at a daily or weekly newspaper. She can also inquire to her local newspaper about being a correspondant/stringer. I know my newspaper loves getting the young persepective in about things going on in school or whatever. Those clips will be great for her portfolio. Also, go to and google journalism internships for high school students. There are TONS of programs for high school students interested in journalism.

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