Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What are expected times for a mile in a high school track and field event?

I want to know average times. Right now I'm running XC with my fastest mile w/ hills being a 6:40. I know thats pretty bad but I want to break 6 and go down to 5:40 maybe? Any good training tips on the side?|||I think that your time is good, we had to run a 6 flat or lower, and to get faster, I would walk a minute, jog a minute, run a min, a full out a minute, until i couldn't anymore, you will see that it helps later!|||To run varsity under 5:00 as a freshman 5-6 minutes at most schools.Last year as a freshman I ran a mile in 4:28.87 didn't make varsity I only ran varsity in the 4x800 relay (2:01)Varsity times were 4:18.24 and (4:24.4 also by a freshman) both runners are back this season so I have a lot to do.

Have your coach set up a program for you after the cross country season is over.Every body's work out has to be different every body's at a different level I've been running since I was 8 years old,I'm very lucky I have 12 guys that run under 5 minutes so I have a good work out every day.With hard work you will get your time under 5:00 then go from there,|||like in grade 9 i ran 6:00 on the dot in a 1500 bit less then a mile now im a senoir i won OFSAA in 2009 1st place OFSAA=ontario federation of school athletic associations and i ran a 3:52 seconds in a 1500 pace was knocked at the start like sprint i did aight but a average time with hills might be 6:20 for non athletic people like ur peers at school if ur in track like 5:20 or 5:30 seconds|||If its a good varsity meet, it would take like 4:45-5:00 to win...but if your a fr, don't worry about it...u'll get faster...on my t%26amp;f team my sr yr of high school our milers were like 4:28, 4:35, 4:40, 4:45|||1000 meter repeats are good do it multiple times until you collapse on the ground then the day after that rest for 2 days then 1 hour run|||practice to the extremes.everyday, improve your time.

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