Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What classes do you need in high school to be in the medical/ surgery field?

its for school. What are some genral classes needed to go into the medical field. what classes do I need to trake in high school that will bring me to the level I need?|||Biology, Chem if you can, but most of what you will need will come at the college level so just keep your grades up|||In addition to what was already mentioned...make sure to take at least some of the "higher-level" math courses, as they usually like you to have a lot of math knowledge in order to do science. You can talk to your school counselor about exactly which ones you need.|||biology %26amp; chemistry would be helpful but there are really no requirements in high school.

I went to Nursing school after I graduated high school %26amp; started from there.|||Well, you really dont need any specific classes. Taking anatomy would be helpful. If they offer it at your school. Other than that. theres really nothing you have to take.|||To be in that field you need 4 years of college 3 years of med school and have to inten for 2 years. Do you really think your high school classes matter? I am going to say NO.

But, you shoudl take biology to see if it is an interesting topic!|||Well, to be honest, you're not really REQUIRED to take any classes in high school that will help you along in the medical field--you learn all of that in college. HOWEVER, I know that the two friends I have who ended up being doctors took all the science and health classes they could, especially anatomy. And of course, try your best to keep your grades up, get involved in extracurriculars, stuff like that...Good luck!:)|||You will need a good base in chemistry and biology.|||I don't know about specific classes as they vary among schools, but you would need all the sciences up to Physics or higher if available (Biology, Chemistry, etc), Psychology, Critical Thinking courses, and some that cover interpersonal communications.|||Biology, chemistry, physics, advanced math classes... that sounds about right.|||You need to take the full load of science classes, biology, chemistry, physics, biochemistry or whatever advanced science classes you HS offers. Other classes are dependent on the requirements for a HS diploma. If your school offers it, I'd suggest Latin, which will really help with a lot of medical vocabulary. Greek is also useful, but not commonly taught. I'd also suggest you volunteer at the local hospital.|||High school doesn't matter. College pre-med courses is what matters, but in order to prepare for college premed courses, just take the regulars:

Chemistry I

Chemistry II

Physics A

Physics B

Biology I

Biology II

Anatomy %26amp; Physiology



Enlgish I, II, III, IV

Algebra I

Algebra II






These are all great prep-courses for college pre-med or pre-nursing.|||all needed lol plus chemistry and biology and anatomy would be a plus|||biology, chemistry|||Lifesaving, if your school offers it and has a pool for Lifeguard %26amp; CPR classes.

Driver's Ed, in case you want to drive a firetruck or ambulance.

Latin, for all of those crazy words used in the human body parts. Handy for nursing and pre-med school!

Science/ Math of course!

Art, if you want to go into prosthetics...

Those would be my suggestions as a former EMT, CNA...I should have gone onto RN or Life Flight Paramedic!

Oh, sex ed! Working with nurses is HOT and you don't want to get "burned." ;)|||Biology, Chemistry, Pre-calc or Calc, and you should be able to read professional journals.

Professional journals are very technical and require a level of education that average folk do not posses. Professional Journals are also known as period publications and can be found at your local university or community college library.

Professional journals are NOT magazines. In fact to be able to read and Understand them, you will need experience with Statistics.

Good Luck|||the main class you need is biology|||You need to excel in chemistry, biology, anatomy, and other sciences.

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