Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Can I get in trouble for running across the field in a spandex suit at a high school football game?

I am 17, me and two friends want to buy red SuperFan Spandex Suits and run across the field during a time out at our high school football game. Can we get in trouble with the school or the law if they catch us?|||Yes u will certainly get in trouble and would have to do community service for your wrongdoing.|||Me and a friend of mine were freshman last year and we crashed the junior prom in full spandex suits. we didnt get into any trouble with the law even though it was a cop who made us get out and stuff but we got off with a warning from the principke saying that if we slip up even the slightest ever again it will be an immediate 5 day suspension|||Ya but you'd get a hell of a good laugh out of watching the fat Principal chase you across the field. Damn I'd pay for that to happen in my high school.

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