Saturday, November 19, 2011

Can a high voltage electric field cause any harm to our bodies?

Lets say we stand in the middle of 2 plates conductor with static current.|||Since the nerve impulses in the body are electrical in nature, there certainly would be disuptions in them, if we are put in a strong electric or magnetic field.|||It should not be any problem as long as you did not get grounded some way.|||Of course a high voltage field will cause harm. The question is to whom? You can have babies that will be born with abnormalities.

Your body already runs on water and very small electric currents So, if you add to it your unborn can be affected.|||high voltage electricfield can definitely upsets cells of our body thereby causing harm to our body|||As long as it's a static charge, it won't be generating any magnetic field, so as long as it doesn't discharge on to you you'll be fine.

Of course, when you turn it on, or walk into it, there will be a change in the charge which will create a magnetic effect. If it's powerful enough even those few seconds exposure could cause you serious harm, so don't actually try it.|||It depends. If you get shocked you can be seriously burnt. If you stand between the two plates and are earthed then you'll take the full brunt of the charge.|||There has been much evidence of problems to humans and animals that spend a lot of time close to high voltage electricity cables.

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