Saturday, November 19, 2011

Is it possible to pass a field sobriety test high?

i know if you were drunk you would probably fail. has anyone passed it high or drunk?|||Anything that alters your body can affect field sobriety tests. This includes alcohol or drugs. If you are showing signs of impairment and there is little or no alcohol detected with a breath test, then the officer will most likely take you for a blood test.

Our department has a Drug Recognition Expert (DRE). He administers even more tests, and can actually narrow down the type of drug you are impaired by.鈥?/a>|||Why do so many people still believe a field sobriety test is about the TASKS. It is about giving the officer the opportunity to OBSERVE the suspect attempting things that being 'under the influence' affects their ability to do. An experienced officer can tell you are high or drunk.

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|||No way those people are trained and not dumb don't do it you will loose every time.|||Of course it is possible, if you were a habitual heavy drinker and had not actually had that many drinks but were over the legal limit then your body would be tolerant and would be able to pass a basic test, you would not be able to beat a breathalyzer or blood test though.|||No, and I wouldn't try it. You will more than likely get arrested.

Officers are very well trained in SFST (Standard Field Sobriety Testing). There are several different elements to this test. Some, you might be able to pass, depending on your tolerance. However, you do not have any control over your nystagmus.

Nystagmus is a natural bouncing movement in your eyes that takes place when a person is drunk or under the influence of drugs. You can not train yourself to pass this part of the test.

As an officer, I would suggest that you lay off the drugs, and definitely don't drive when you are high or drunk.|||Unfortunately, the answer to this is yes. If you have not been drinking and you don't have the odor of marijuana on you at the time you are stopped, it is more difficult to detect that you are under the influence of anything. An officer has to be competent enough to realize that your driving is affected by something other than alcohol, which is detectable by odor, and then have the tenacity to follow through with an investigation. This will mean taking you in for a blood draw requiring, no doubt, a search warrant. Most officers don't have the tenacity or willingness to go that far.

Recently, there have been additional physical sobriety tests being developed. These have to do with central nervous tests that affect the eyes and small motor muscles. They are affected differently by the various drugs of abuse, and yes I include alcohol as a drug of abuse. So the ability of non-alcohol intoxicated drivers to escape detection is decreasing.|||They don't have tests to see if you're high. If they did pot would be legal, that's one of the main problems concerning the legal/decriminalization of weed.

In all honesty it's going to be very hard to create a field test simply because of the argument I did it yesterday or 10 hours ago.

To answer your question: Yes, it's actually very easy.|||Yeah, it all depends on your tolerance to alcohol or can not however pass a blood test.

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