Saturday, November 19, 2011

When women dominate every high-paying field as the Atlantic Monthly article predicts, will there be shelters?

for men, or will the downtrodden be forced to sleep under highway overpasses?

When women are the economic elite, will there still be women's shelters? Will there still be WIC food assistance programs for women only? Or will the prevailing attitude of indifference toward men continue will into their societal decline?|||None of the above will change - except the highway underpasses will be more populated. You don't really expect those women to just give away what they've fought so hard to get, do you?

The prevailing attitude of deliberate suppression and disempowerment will continue - until you stop it!|||Sorry to break it to you, but men can get WIC. (Yeah...I know what the letters stand for, just the same, men can get WIC). my BIL received it when got sole custody of his young children, aged 1, 2, and 4.鈥?/a>

As for the rest...provide the article? "Dominate" can simply mean that women represent 51% of the people employed in those fields, not that men will not be represented in these fields at all, and suddenly the majority of them will be jobless and homeless. You realize that, right? Again, this is where the actual article would come in handy.

Also, just because women are predicted to dominate certain fields, doesn't mean that women will not ALSO still remain the majority of the impoverished in this country, as they are now.|||No offense, but why should anyone take the predictions of a journalist seriously?|||sounds like you should writea dystopian story about it.|||Looks like somebody wasn't breast fed|||troll

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