Saturday, November 19, 2011

What classes in high school are highly recommended for going into a medical field?

i am currently going into high school next year as a freshman, but since i have already made up my mind of going into the medical field as a doctor, so which classes would be good for my college application?|||Although medical schools won't accept AP credits from high school, It would be of great advantage to take those courses in high school because it will put you way ahead of the crowd when you get to a university level and it will be much easier on you. you'll come into a chemistry, biology, or physics course already having a grasp on the material. which in the long run will be really beneficial towards getting into medical school because you will likely to much better in the classes.

Med schools will not see your high school transcript, but definitely try to take honors and AP courses from the start so you will be well prepared for college science courses. Try to take AP Biology, chemistry, and physics if they are offered at your school.|||Science and math, primarily, as the medical fields use plenty of that.

English, because you will be doing quite a bit of writing.

A foreign language, which is required by most colleges and may well be useful when you're working.

And there are some things that aren't taught in high school, but you'll still need them.

Time management and prioritizing, because you're going to have lots of homework.

Patience, because some things will take time. And if you're going to become a doctor, you'll have to deal with people.|||You need a 4-year college degree to apply to medical school; they do not ask or care what you took in high school. Take all the lab science (bio, chem, physics) and math you can along with the other classes you need to get into med school. AP classes are great, but you will not be using AP credits to get out of premed requirements.|||Honors Biology, AP Biology, Anatomy %26amp; Physiology, Honors or AP Chemistry, Honors or AP Physics, Pre Calculus, Calculus, Statistics and Logic, Etc.|||Grade 12 Biology, Grade 12 Chemistry, Grade 12 Physics, Grade 12 Calculus, Grade 12 English

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