Saturday, November 19, 2011

What is a high paying job in science field that does NOT require you to go to medical school?

What is a high paying job in science field that does NOT require you to go to medical school?

say for example i am majoring in biology or chemistry but I do NOT want to go to medical school or any other type of medical school. what is a job that pays atleast 80K starting after you graduate with a degree in biology or chemistry or nutrritional sciences or even biochemistry???|||Thats very difficult, especially to start out with that much pay with no grad school work....

all i can think of really, is biomedical engineering....which is hard to find in schools....BUT, its more electrical than it is medical....bascily your responsible for taking care and maintainin/operating mri machines and what not....

its good pay, considering to have a person scaned is $4-6 grand. so your income would be relativley good compared to others|||Most science jobs aren't directly medical-related. You could go be a scientist in a drug company, a paint company, a plastics company, a fertilizer company...anything that uses chemicals really. But to get a high paying job you'll need either experience or a doctorate, because many of the other people applying for them will have both. Just a first degree, no matter where it's from, will have you pretty low down the pecking order, simply because you'll be so short on real practical work experience.

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