Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What would be the perfect diet for High School Track and Field Sprinters?

My event is the 100m dash. I know carbs is a good source of energy, but I want to consume meals that will nourish me with a bounty of vitamins and build up my leg and core muscles.

I would also appreciate a list of Foods and bevrages to avoid.

Thank You.|||The best diet is not even a diet. What you need to do is eat 3 balanced meals a day and 3 snacks. Remember portion control a portion is the size of the palm of your hand and as thick! When making a meal remember to have a fruit a vegi and protine!!! Carbs are also something that you will need but never over do any of the food groups. Always include a wide variety fo foods. Avoide things like soda and imitation fruit juices, chips and candy for they are empty calories that will fill yhou up but keep you from getting hungry.|||I'd also like to know.|||I like to eat apples or a bannana before I run. It isn't too heavy and gives me good energy. Avoid energy bars.. they're more like a candy bar. Just stick to natural stuff.|||eat pasta the night before a match. it builds up carbs for the next day. dont eat pure sugar. other then that. eat on a regular diet

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