Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Should I do track and field or tennis in high school?

I like playing tennis better but it seems fun to do hurdles. ALso, by doing track and field i hope to improve my endurance. THe two sports are in the same season so i cant do both.|||I would go with track and field. It gives plenty of diversity to tailor to your desired outcome. If you want to be faster, there's the sprints. If you want more stamina, there's distance running. I've done every event at least twice and with all the workouts there are different benefits that come with them all. My distance coach had us improving to the point we could do a 10 mile run and still feel good and looking forward to practice the next day. When it came to jumps, I loved the fun that we had in the sand and on the mats, and I noticed my vertical jump increased greatly. Track is one of the few sports where it's easy to track improvement, and improvement always makes you happy. I've never done tennis, but I do know that I love track more than any other sport that I've ever done.|||if you try to do track and field for stamina, you wont gain any more of it. track and field is for speed and accleration, and plus if you do long running for stamina to much you will actually slow you down|||I personally like tennis better, but track and field is probably best because it would probably get you more excersise and you could just go to the public tennis courts if you really wanted to.

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