Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I have a theory, could I have a high electromagnetic field, causing?

me to be tired, disoriented, and unable to think clearly? I have always been like this, and no one can figure out why. I feel naseous often as well. I know that high emf can cause these symptoms...so what do you think?|||You, personally, can't have a high EMF field. It's possible that you may spend a lot of time around something that does, but there's not a lot of variation in a human body's level. However, there are more likely explanations. Who have you sought input from as far as why this might be happening? A general practitioner is a good start, but if that doesn't pan out, there are specialists you might want to look into鈥攅.g., psychiatrist, neurologist, sleep specialist, nutritionist 鈥?Those are symptoms that could be associated with many, many things, and I highly doubt all the other, non-EMF possibilities have been eliminated at this point, so I'd suggest looking into that.

Which engineering field get High pay in KSA?

Which engineering field get high paid in KSA or ARAB countries

1.Civil 2.Electrical 3. Mechanical|||Generally speaking it is the Civil Engineer

Question concerning the HIGH SCHOOL track and field rules and regulations?

It states in the rules that an athlete may not wear metal in your hair, and you cannot wear jewelry. I purchased an under-armor like shirt that zippers up the back - and part of the zipper is visible. Would this defy the rules concerning metal, or is this competely legal?|||A zipper on your clothing is not metal in your hair.

I have never seen or heard of this problem.

A zipper is not jewelry, and unless the shirt is not a solid color it is not a problem.

Unless the shirt is multi colored or striped or is something other than a solid color it is not a problem.|||I run track and the only rules are you cannot wear jewelry in the races not to distract other runners and judges. You can tape jewelry to yourself for religious purposes as long as it doesn't show. It nowhere mentions zippers that keep your clothes on, which would be a greater distraction than a little metal on your neck.|||Take the article of clothing to your coach and ask him. He should know the rules in your state.

If you are concerned, make sure you bring a back up undershirt to your meets, in case the officials have a problem with it. If you can, ask the official before the meet starts so you have time to change.|||I really doubt it counts as metal because the zipper is PART of your athletic outfit. It's an under-armor shirt, so they shouldn't say anything.|||you shouldnt have any troubles. In a state meet they would be more strict than in a dual meet, but even still with something like that they shouldnt say anything

What are good jobs in the medical field that have high pay but aren't too stressful?

Tell me about the job.|||How about X-ray technician?|||In almost every profession Pay scale and Stress are related - the higher the pay, the higher the stress.

Hi, Can you guys tell me some good high paying Jobs like the field of study?

Im having a hard time choosing what to study in college as im in high school right now

So i was just wondering what are some High paying, respectfull jobs/Field of study|||no high paying job is respectful.|||business areas are pretty good but time consuming, teaching jobs r out of the question, computerareas r ok too

What are the michigan high school Football field dimensions?

Same as all the others....

The field is often called the gridiron because the markings on the field resemble a grill. The game is played on a rectangular field 120 yards (110 metres) long by 53 1/3 yards (49 metres) wide. The longer boundary lines are sidelines, while the shorter boundary lines are end lines. Near each end of the field is a goal line; they are 100 yards apart. A scoring area called an end zone extends 10 yards beyond each goal line to each end line.

Yard lines cross the field every 5 yards, and are numbered from each goal line to the 50-yard line, or midfield (similar to a typical rugby league field). Two rows of lines, known as hash marks parallel the side lines near the middle of the field. All plays start with the ball on or between the hash marks.

At the back of each end zone are two goal posts (also called uprights) that are 18.5 feet apart. The posts are connected by a crossbar 10 feet from the ground. Successful kicks must go above the crossbar and between the uprights. (At many fields the uprights and crossbar are attached by a curved bar to a post outside the field of play, to reduce the chance of players running into the supports.)|||100 yds

How is a High School track and field event like ?

Let's say you and the team go to another school to compete, how is it like ? Is there alot of people in the crowd ? How is the atmosphere ? Do you just go there race and leave ?|||it's a lot of fun. usually you and your team pick a place to camp out. and you just wait untill they give first call for your event. then you begin to warm up and stretch. there's usually a big crowd and it doesn't get noisy untill the end when whoevers in first is about to finish. i personally love it but get super nervous before races..... but that's just me. but other then that it's pretty laid back and when your done with your race it's super fun to go and cheer on your team mates :)

Why is there no strong magnetic field around high tension transmission wires ?

What makes you say there isn't? What is your threshold for "strong" and at what distance from the wires are you measuring?

The formula for the magnetic field of a long straight wire is:

B = (2 x 10^-7)I/d


For a given power, the higher the voltage, the lower the current and the lower the losses due to resistance in the wires. Therefore power companies like to use the highest voltages they can.


Still, when a power line is transmitting 100MW of power, then even though the voltage is on the order of 100KV, we are still talking about 1000 amperes of current.

An extreme case is the Pacific DC Intertie: 3,100MW at 500KV for a current of about 6000 amps.


Is there a size difference between a college football field and a high school football field?

No. They are both 120 X 53.|||Not in the overall dimensions. High school fields have wider hash marks and goal posts. There are some other minor differences like the end line pylons in HS are allowed to be on the end line, but in college they must be 3' back. Also the team area and limit lines in high school is 6' off the sideline, 12' in college.

However, high schools are allowed to use a field marked to college dimensions. Colleges are not allowed to use high school marked fields.|||Nope same size, only difference is the hash marks. Thats why some field goals look at wierd angles.|||Nope. They just look bigger because of the stands

What is the seating capacity for Ravenwood High Schools football field in Brentwood TN?


I have a relative from Brentwood.|||3500 sounds about right and well I go to ravenwood so I should have an idea lol

Report Abuse

|||even tho i live in tennessee ...i have no idea...maybe call and ask them lol :p|||FOUR, three chickens and a goat!|||Hmmmm, let me look. 1, 2,3,4,5 ......

What IT Career field have a high demand and Good salary?

What is the most interesting IT field starting off at an associates degree and what it is the starting salary for the career..|||I think you can report anyone who posts spam to try to drive business to their website.

I work as a web developer in IT and I can tell you that it's going to be tough looking for a good job with an associate's degree. Get your 4-year bachelors in computer science if you can. The starting salary for people with a 4-year degree and a major in computer science is about $60,000 USD.|||If you own a degree - or any alternative qualification - then you'll already be in front of of the bunch when it comes to searching for professions. My friend has a degree and he wasn't sure what direction to go with it, but he found some good instruction on the site in the resource box below which guided him to settle that he wanted to be a lab assistant. There is lots of assistance on the site regarding alternative professions.|||For now the IT career field that offer high salary is the search engine optimization (SEO) jobs. Because most of the business go for having a website to capture the world market. And every website should undergo optimization to make it more visible in the web.

Should I do track and field or tennis in high school?

I like playing tennis better but it seems fun to do hurdles. ALso, by doing track and field i hope to improve my endurance. THe two sports are in the same season so i cant do both.|||I would go with track and field. It gives plenty of diversity to tailor to your desired outcome. If you want to be faster, there's the sprints. If you want more stamina, there's distance running. I've done every event at least twice and with all the workouts there are different benefits that come with them all. My distance coach had us improving to the point we could do a 10 mile run and still feel good and looking forward to practice the next day. When it came to jumps, I loved the fun that we had in the sand and on the mats, and I noticed my vertical jump increased greatly. Track is one of the few sports where it's easy to track improvement, and improvement always makes you happy. I've never done tennis, but I do know that I love track more than any other sport that I've ever done.|||if you try to do track and field for stamina, you wont gain any more of it. track and field is for speed and accleration, and plus if you do long running for stamina to much you will actually slow you down|||I personally like tennis better, but track and field is probably best because it would probably get you more excersise and you could just go to the public tennis courts if you really wanted to.

Should I try out for high school track and field?

My high school track and field tryouts are coming up in a month and I'm wondering if it's worth doing. I love to run, (I run every other day), but I just want to know what it's like to be on a team and how hard it is to get on. Oh yeah and I'm not much of a sprinter, I'm more distance. Thanks in advance for answering. =]|||i ran track when i was in high school and it was really fun. the practices were kind of hard but it was definately worth it. you get to meet new people and the meets are pretty fun.|||well if u really want 2 do it, y not try it out? i think it is a good idea. my friends joined in 1 and they said it was hard but at times fun.

What would be the perfect diet for High School Track and Field Sprinters?

My event is the 100m dash. I know carbs is a good source of energy, but I want to consume meals that will nourish me with a bounty of vitamins and build up my leg and core muscles.

I would also appreciate a list of Foods and bevrages to avoid.

Thank You.|||The best diet is not even a diet. What you need to do is eat 3 balanced meals a day and 3 snacks. Remember portion control a portion is the size of the palm of your hand and as thick! When making a meal remember to have a fruit a vegi and protine!!! Carbs are also something that you will need but never over do any of the food groups. Always include a wide variety fo foods. Avoide things like soda and imitation fruit juices, chips and candy for they are empty calories that will fill yhou up but keep you from getting hungry.|||I'd also like to know.|||I like to eat apples or a bannana before I run. It isn't too heavy and gives me good energy. Avoid energy bars.. they're more like a candy bar. Just stick to natural stuff.|||eat pasta the night before a match. it builds up carbs for the next day. dont eat pure sugar. other then that. eat on a regular diet

I have a theory, could I have a high electromagnetic field, causing?

me to be tired, disoriented, and unable to think clearly? I have always been like this, and no one can figure out why. I feel naseous often as well. I know that emf can cause these symptoms...so what do you think?|||The same symptoms are close to Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. They are getting better at diagnosing this now. Go to a specialist and if you cannot find one, and updated rhematologist will help. If it is this, then you need high protein and low carbs. Get off all white foods.

Even if you are in pain, stretch your muscles, and meditate - think good thoughts, and feel like you have to power to change your emotions into happiness. Really, literally smile a lot - it affects the brain.|||It appears the recommendation of seeking medical assistance has already been addressed which I too would recommend merely to cover the bases. Regarding the electromagnetic field, everything consists of electromagnetics. Based on the fact that you have brought this up as a possible cause I would venture to say that on some level you are sensing an imbalance in your energy. Some refer to these energy centers as meridians or chakras. Others see us as having energy fields that are concentric from outside to in as opposed to from bottom to top. I tend to think that they are both perceptions of a similar thing. Regardless, depending on your perceptions and belief structure you can address the problem in a variety of ways. Some basic things that can be addressed regardless of dogmas are physical exercise, stretching, and breathing exercises to quiet the mind and give balance. I do hope you feel better soon.|||While these effects are linked to strong EMF fields, especially static fields, these fields are always external to the individual feeling the effects. Additionally, the strength of the fields necessary to produce the effects is far greater in magnetitude than the fields produced by living beings. In light of this point, I would be inclined to discount EMF as being linked to your problems. I would instead encourage consulting with a medical doctor and/or a psychiatrist and seeking a medical diagnosis.|||No, EMF doesn't cause that, and no, you are not generating a higher electrical field than any other person. I suggest you get yourself checked out for anemia, a thyroid disorder, or something more serious.|||High EMF can cause some of the things you have described. They can also cause hallucinations. Depression is not something you can take too lightly and there can be other causes. It is always best to see a Doctor.|||See if you can find someone who has an EMF meter and check out your environment and yourself. No point in guessing.|||Sounds like glands. Sometimes this runs in families. See your doctor and ask em to check your blood and glands.

What is the record distance for a field goal in high school?

Go ask in the American Football section.

You question has nothing to do with soccer.|||who cares? football is for dumb airheads.

How do high school track and field meets work?

Okay so how do they know which school wins? And for some events there are three or four heats of the same run. and alot of times they have two or three runners from the same school compete in the same event at the same time. What's the point in that? and how are the wins and loses of each event added up?|||Each meet has its own rules as to how many athletes from each school may enter each event.

At big meets it is usually 3 people from each school.

When there are too many entries so everyone can not run at the same time they have heats, and the best times win, or they use those heats as preliminaries and the top 8 runners compete head to head in the finals.

Most meets count the top 6 finishers points toward the team points for the team championship.

1st place gets 10 points, 2nd - 8, 3rd- 6, 4th -4, 5th - 3, 6th -2.

If you finish 7th or lower you get no points.

Whether or not runners from the same team run in the same heat depends on who and how they were heated, it doesn't matter in the outcome of the meet.|||A runner who wins 1st place gets 5 points, 2nd place 3 points, and 3rd place 1 point. Each of these points goes towards the teams total score. At the end of each meet the scores are tallied and whichever team acquires the most points wins the meet! There are no penalties for losing.

If there are multiple heats, all the scores are put together. The only reason for multiple heats is that there are not enough lanes to run everyone together. So the winner of each heat may not be the ACTUAL winner of the entire race. The times are gathered from all the heats and compared, whoever gets the fastest time wins.

The point of having multiple runners from one school is higher chances of winning, team spirit, or even practice for another race. Also, if you put in more than three runners, you have the chances of filling all three winning spots: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. You could rack up 9 points and be on your way to winning the meet.

Hope that helps!|||People are put in certain heats based on their previous times in that race. Typically the first heat is the fastest. Points are awarded based on the top runners in that race. First gets 10 pts second gets 8 third gets 6 fourth gets 4 fifth gets 3 and sixth gets 2. People from the same school may be placed in the same heat because they have pretty close race times and that is good because if they both do well then they will take a lot of points from the other teams. At the end of the meet after all events are completed they add up all the points and decide the winning team.|||You have much to learn grasshopper.

Sometimes competitors run "head-to-head" (preferred) if there's enough room on the track. If not, then "heats" are run and the places are based upon times.

Basically, each event gives points for 1st through 4th place (at least in a dual meet) ; 5pts.,3,2,%26amp; 1, respectively. All the points for each event is added up to get a total team score.|||You can tell by looking at the players effort and looking at the coach ability to coach.

What are expected times for a mile in a high school track and field event?

I want to know average times. Right now I'm running XC with my fastest mile w/ hills being a 6:40. I know thats pretty bad but I want to break 6 and go down to 5:40 maybe? Any good training tips on the side?|||I think that your time is good, we had to run a 6 flat or lower, and to get faster, I would walk a minute, jog a minute, run a min, a full out a minute, until i couldn't anymore, you will see that it helps later!|||To run varsity under 5:00 as a freshman 5-6 minutes at most schools.Last year as a freshman I ran a mile in 4:28.87 didn't make varsity I only ran varsity in the 4x800 relay (2:01)Varsity times were 4:18.24 and (4:24.4 also by a freshman) both runners are back this season so I have a lot to do.

Have your coach set up a program for you after the cross country season is over.Every body's work out has to be different every body's at a different level I've been running since I was 8 years old,I'm very lucky I have 12 guys that run under 5 minutes so I have a good work out every day.With hard work you will get your time under 5:00 then go from there,|||like in grade 9 i ran 6:00 on the dot in a 1500 bit less then a mile now im a senoir i won OFSAA in 2009 1st place OFSAA=ontario federation of school athletic associations and i ran a 3:52 seconds in a 1500 pace was knocked at the start like sprint i did aight but a average time with hills might be 6:20 for non athletic people like ur peers at school if ur in track like 5:20 or 5:30 seconds|||If its a good varsity meet, it would take like 4:45-5:00 to win...but if your a fr, don't worry about it...u'll get faster...on my t%26amp;f team my sr yr of high school our milers were like 4:28, 4:35, 4:40, 4:45|||1000 meter repeats are good do it multiple times until you collapse on the ground then the day after that rest for 2 days then 1 hour run|||practice to the extremes.everyday, improve your time.

Is there any electrical career field in high demand for cross train?

I have been in the Air Force for three years and i have two left till my window is up but i want to cross train into something electrical i really want electrical systems but don't thing that it is undermanned so really any electrical career would be nice. My biggest problem is im in security forces which is critically manned. Any advice|||Electronics or Electrical? There's a difference.

How do high school field hockey tryouts go?

NO ******* STUPID COMMENTS OR ELSE!!!|||More running than anything else. Seriously you don't even get to play that much field hockey. When you do it's alot of drills and such where coaches watch you to see how well you stick handle. Alot of 1v1s like king of the court. They do that to see who you can beat and who beats you. Go hard on that part. You'll probably play mini hockey to see how well your field positioning is. Good luck. =)|||You have to do....

1) Jogging

2) Playing around

3) Run

4) Ball control relays

5) Shooting

6) Drills

7) Scrimage

What majors lead to the field of high performance (green) building design?

Would an integrated systems designer have an architecture background or engineering?|||Probably the best major would be structural engineering as a part of architecture or civil engineering.

What is a high gradient magnetic field?

Also, how much telsa/gauss might it be?|||A gradient is basically the derivative, or the slope, of a field. So a high gradient field means that the field has a large slope. Or in other words, the magnitude of the field changes... a lot... as a function of position.

Let's say I have a magnetic field of 1 G at location A and it is 2 G at location B, which is 1 meter away. That is a low gradient field. There are two ways I can increase the gradient. I can increase the total magnitude. For example, if it is 1 T at A and 2 T at B, that is 10,000 times larger of a gradient, and that's a pretty big gradient. The second way is to decrease the size scale. Let's say it is 1 G at A but now it is 1 G at location C, which is 1 mm away from A. That is much larger slope, so this is 1000 times stronger gradient than the original gradient.

What exactly sets the boundary between not-high and high gradient depends on the application. For flux-gates, 1 G/mm is probably high. For particle accelerators, 1G/mm is probably pretty small. It all depends on what you are trying to do.

Discuss the various cost of capital techniques used in the high technology field - also read the details thanx

Discuss the various cost of capital techniques used in the high technology field (Microsoft, Google, et al) and why they choose their approach. What are the disadvantages?|||This has to do with WACC and APV probably.

Their advantages and disadvantages stem from changing or constant levels of debt. For companies like MSFT and Google who don't have much debt, you probably want to just stick with WACC because it's easier to implement. If you know the debt ratios and they're changing over time for a particular debt company, then go APV.

How many laps around a typical high school track field equals a mile?

4 laps around a high school track is a mile|||4|||Not sure about yours. Our track is 1/4 mile loop. Therefore, 4 laps equals 1 mile.|||Normally its four laps.|||well one lap is 1,320 feet so tht means it would take four times to make a mile =)|||3 or 4 depends on the track.|||4 outside, eight inside|||AT my high school it was 4|||4

What are some options in the medical field for high schoolers?

Things like internships, medical training, ect..|||You can usually take an EMT course or a First Responder course while in high school. However, as far as actual employment, you most always need to be 18, due to liability.

Are there any internship opportunities in the field of aviation for high school students?

I've found many through the airlines for college students, but I can't find any opportunities for people my age.

I'm 17 years old and a junior in high school... I'm basically looking for any aviation related placement over the summer of 2010, if any exist.

Thanks!|||There aren't enough out there for the college students majoring in aviation who want them so I'm rather doubtful you're going to find anything. Good luck though|||He is right, there isnt a whole lot of "good" jobs, ecspecially without training. There are jobs out there for refueling, detailing, shop hand, parts getters, etc... If you can get your foot in the door with one of those jobs, If its part time, you can go to school for your A+P licenses. If you work your way up a bit and want to work on airplanes, 3 years of practical experience qualifies you to take the A+P test for your licenses as well. Either way, your A+P is the basic entry level requirement for most serious aviation jobs outside of being a pilot.

Track and field in high school?

I want to do track and field in High School but I have never done it before. What events are included in it? Would I be good enough to join in 9th grade. I really like high jumping and I would like to try pole vaulting so let me know if this would be a good choice for me.|||there's tons of things in track:


sprints and long distance, relays, etc.


long and high jumps

pole vaulting

the three step jump? (not sure of the exact name)

and throwing-

shoput (sp?)

discus (sp?)


i'm not, nor ever was, in high school track, but i guess i know some stuff about it. and yes, many kids join without any experience, it's one of the only sports you can join in high school without experience, and people of different levels can compete. just make sure if you don't like running, don't sign up for it because you run A LOT


http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;鈥?/a>|||it might be a little hard since you didn't do it in middle school, but it shouldn't be to bad. in track and field theres things like long jump, sprints, distance, hurtles, and high jump. and the throwing stuff


Dream: Walking in a field of chest high yellow flowers?

In part of my dream last night I was walking through a field of chest high yellow flowers. I was walking to a car that was in the middle. I remember thinking how beautiful it was and I wanted to take some pictures. I got to the car and it had suitcases in it... I was looking for my camera but could not find it anywhere. It was like no one would believe me if I didn't talk a picture. I knew I wouldn't be able to describe the beauty... I had to take a picture.|||I'll have to do this in stages i'm afraid, hope thats ok.

Right, in dreams flowers generally mean a growing happiness.

The color yellow has both positive and negative connotations. If the dream is a pleasant one, then the color yellow is symbolic of intellect, energy, agility, happiness, harmony, and wisdom. On the other hand, if the dream is an unpleasant one, then the color represents cowardice and sickness. You may have a fear or an inability to make a decision or take action. As a result, you are experiencing many setbacks

To see a suitcase in your dream, indicates that you are a very together person. You keep attitudes and behavior in check. Alternatively, it is symbolic of a much needed vacation or break. You need some changes in your life.

I couldn't interpret much about the taking pictures but the Car symbolises that your about to go to a new place in your life

I really hope this helps you x|||a field of chest high yellow flowers = desire, things you can't hardly reach

want to take some pictures = seeking evidence, seeking others to notice

got to the car and found no camera = lack of confidence, helplessness

No one would believe you if you didn't take a picture = feeling left out, lack of support

The dream may be about desire you have in reality. This dream is very general, but it does indicate something about your confidence level. You may be low in self confidence, you are seeking for others to trust you, to support you. This projection of high yellow flowers basically reflect low self confidence in you. Finding no camera also reflects the lack of support, and helplessness in you.

All those projections may point to some helplessness in your social life. Perhaps, lately you are feeling left out, lack of trust and that is why you had this dream vent out.

What job field is in high demand for the future?

What jobs do you think wil be good for the long run. I'm asking because I don't want to waste my time taking the wrong class and regret it.|||What are the fastest growing jobs?

A list of the occupations projected to grow the fastest is available at http://www.bls.gov/emp/emptab21.htm.

What are the occupations adding the most jobs?

Occupations with the largest projected growth are available at http://www.bls.gov/emp/emptab3.htm.

What are the fastest growing industries?

A list of industries with the fastest projected employment growth is available at: http://www.bls.gov/emp/empfastestind1.ht鈥?/a>

Do you have projected employment growth for States or geographic areas?

Although the Bureau of Labor Statistics does not make projections for States or areas, almost all States make projections for their States and some local areas. These projections are available at http://www.projectionscentral.com

Do you have more details on projected employment growth?

The Office of Occupational Statistics and Employment Projections page at http://www.bls.gov/emp/ has a great deal of data on and links to projected employment by occupation and industry, including the National Employment Matrix, which, for each occupation, provides base year and projected employment by each industry, and for each industry, provides base year and projected employment by detailed occupation.|||computer programming|||Engineering or Computers.

What country video/song hes walking thru a field at night w/ ppl and something about getting high on the hill?

the songs from around 2008-2009 and hes singing walking thru a field people are running thru the fields some are dancing some are making out. he says something about getting high on the top of a hill i really must find out asap!|||Dierks Bentley "Up on the Ridge"

What classes should i take in high school for the nursing field with newborns?

I am going into the 10th grade. I have wanted to work in the nursing field with newborns and infants my whole life. I would like to work in a hospital and care for mainly healthy newborns. I thought about being a neonatal nurse but i read about it and it is mainly with sick babies. Any suggestions for jobs or electives i should take or look into?|||The only things you take in high school that will make a difference in college/ nursing school are your sciences. When you get out of school, you will go to college for Nursing and you will be a RN - Registered Nurse when you graduate and pass the boards. Whether you decide to be a neonatal nurse or work in oncology with cancer patients just depends on your job search. There really is no specialty schooling. Before you can get into most Nursing schools, you generally need a college level math and english, plus you will need Anatomy %26amp; Physiology I. So if you go to a school that in 11th or 12th grade you have the opportunity to take college level classes, definitely take Eng comp and a Math. Plus making sure you have a grip on Chemistry will help big time in Anat %26amp; Phys. Good luck!

What are some jobs in the medical field that are in high demand ASIDE from an RN and a doctor?

I'm willing to do anything but those 2, especially nursing. It's not that I can't stand the work, it's what consists of nursing. I'm sure I wouldn't be able to handle the job itself, because I won't lie, I get "grossed" out easily with fluid substances from the body. I'm considering an ultra sound tech, but what are other options with a GOOD high paying salary?|||High demand medical jobs with good pay include radiology positions, especially areas like CT, MRI and Ultrasound. Respiratory Therapists is also usually high demand. Physical Therapist is very high demand and great pay, but takes at least a Master's degree.... but you can also obtain employment as a physical therapy assistant with a bachelor's degree. Surgical scrub technicians are fairly high demand, but pay scale would depend on the employer -- some pay a lot more than others...... and the training is usually vocational school training.

High demand jobs with lesser pay scales would include lab techs (phlebotomist), nursnig technicians or CNAs.

What are the concession prices at sports authority field at mile high?

I'm going to the broncos game against the seahawks and I need to know some of the concession prices so I know how much money to bring?|||I have never been to Mile high personally, but I have been to many many professional sporting events, and what I can say is this: Expect to spend a lot of money on food and drinks.

Dont be surprised to see $10 beers, or $7 hot dogs.

What Are the Best Seats at Sports Authority Field At Mile High?

I am planning on taking a friend of mine to a Broncos game and would like to know what are the best seats. My budget is $500 for the pair. I have been before and sat at the last row of section 117, view was decent.|||it is the luxury box|||15 rows up at the 50 yard line is the best but don't think $500.00 is going be enough...

Saturday, November 19, 2011

When women dominate every high-paying field as the Atlantic Monthly article predicts, will there be shelters?

for men, or will the downtrodden be forced to sleep under highway overpasses?

When women are the economic elite, will there still be women's shelters? Will there still be WIC food assistance programs for women only? Or will the prevailing attitude of indifference toward men continue will into their societal decline?|||None of the above will change - except the highway underpasses will be more populated. You don't really expect those women to just give away what they've fought so hard to get, do you?

The prevailing attitude of deliberate suppression and disempowerment will continue - until you stop it!|||Sorry to break it to you, but men can get WIC. (Yeah...I know what the letters stand for, just the same, men can get WIC). my BIL received it when got sole custody of his young children, aged 1, 2, and 4.


As for the rest...provide the article? "Dominate" can simply mean that women represent 51% of the people employed in those fields, not that men will not be represented in these fields at all, and suddenly the majority of them will be jobless and homeless. You realize that, right? Again, this is where the actual article would come in handy.

Also, just because women are predicted to dominate certain fields, doesn't mean that women will not ALSO still remain the majority of the impoverished in this country, as they are now.|||No offense, but why should anyone take the predictions of a journalist seriously?|||sounds like you should writea dystopian story about it.|||Looks like somebody wasn't breast fed|||troll

What seems to be in high demand in the medical field?

I am a married mother of three and I am planning on going to school. I want to go back for something that is in demand and wont take me a long time to get a degree. I chose the medical field because it seems to always be in need and I do have done medical billing and collections.|||A medical profession is always worth considering, from nurses and doctors right down to hospital cleaning staff. The resource in the box below has some really awesome instruction on entering this laudable line of work. My brother got some really awesome guidance from there prior to landing a profession as a medical admin assistant.

What do you put in the field of study when your still in high school?

I'm currently filling in a job application but it asks for field of study? The problem is that I'm still in high school? And it doesn't let you continue the application till the field of study is filled in? What do I do?|||put "general studies"

Can someone please help me with questions about High School Track and Field?

I am a Junior in High School and am interested in going for the Track team at my school. Is this uncommon or weird that I'm a Junior and want to go for the team?

What should I be doing to condition myself for the tryouts?

How do I know if I can compete with the other runners on the team? How do I know that I can run at their level?

Thanks in advance!|||You don't know - and you won't until you try.

Start running now, everyday for more than half an hour.

Each day, try run farther and farther. It will be hard, if you haven't ran before, but with hard work comes results.|||uh id say work out at the gym make sure you can run a good distance without being otu of breath so shortyl

What career opportunities are there in the journalism field for a high school student?

One of my best friends has a great desire to go to Yale to pursue journalism. One of things that she wants to do is pursue journalism outside of school by doing internship or something. She is a great writer and I just wanted some ideas as to what she could do outside of school to enhance her experience and show that she really cares about journalism when she applies. It is her great passion, so if any one has any ideas let me know. Thank you.|||Her biggest concern is to start to build her portfolio. Therefore, she wants to be able to show clips of things that she has written. This can include excerpts from her blog, letters to the editors at her favorite magazines, etc.

They understand that she has limited experience but she wants to be able to show a variety of different areas: copy writing, news clips, full lenght articles, short articles. Anything she may have writtern in high school can be added to her portfolio. Place them in a nice binder or portfolio.

She can intern with a PR firm, graphic artist, local radio station who may need a copy writer. There are a lot of newsletters and local papers that accept writing submissions.

Offer to write articles for her church paper or anyone who will let her write.

Journalism covers a lot of areas and she will want to explore narrowing down her focus over the summer so when they ask her want she intends to do with a Journalism degree, she can give direct answers. Best wishes to your friend!|||She can write for the school newspaper or write freelance articles in her spare time. If you Google search you can find tons of submission requests, some paid, some not, but anything published will help her portfolio. She can also gain practice by writing opinion editorials and letters to the editor at the local newspaper.

Interning is great, but they usually take college students who have more flexible schedules.|||The first thing she needs to do is write for her school newspaper or magazine. Any kind of writing she can do would be great. If she starts there, she has enough clips to go off and get an internship at a daily or weekly newspaper. She can also inquire to her local newspaper about being a correspondant/stringer. I know my newspaper loves getting the young persepective in about things going on in school or whatever. Those clips will be great for her portfolio. Also, go to journalismjobs.com and google journalism internships for high school students. There are TONS of programs for high school students interested in journalism.

What classes in high school are highly recommended for going into a medical field?

i am currently going into high school next year as a freshman, but since i have already made up my mind of going into the medical field as a doctor, so which classes would be good for my college application?|||Although medical schools won't accept AP credits from high school, It would be of great advantage to take those courses in high school because it will put you way ahead of the crowd when you get to a university level and it will be much easier on you. you'll come into a chemistry, biology, or physics course already having a grasp on the material. which in the long run will be really beneficial towards getting into medical school because you will likely to much better in the classes.

Med schools will not see your high school transcript, but definitely try to take honors and AP courses from the start so you will be well prepared for college science courses. Try to take AP Biology, chemistry, and physics if they are offered at your school.|||Science and math, primarily, as the medical fields use plenty of that.

English, because you will be doing quite a bit of writing.

A foreign language, which is required by most colleges and may well be useful when you're working.

And there are some things that aren't taught in high school, but you'll still need them.

Time management and prioritizing, because you're going to have lots of homework.

Patience, because some things will take time. And if you're going to become a doctor, you'll have to deal with people.|||You need a 4-year college degree to apply to medical school; they do not ask or care what you took in high school. Take all the lab science (bio, chem, physics) and math you can along with the other classes you need to get into med school. AP classes are great, but you will not be using AP credits to get out of premed requirements.|||Honors Biology, AP Biology, Anatomy %26amp; Physiology, Honors or AP Chemistry, Honors or AP Physics, Pre Calculus, Calculus, Statistics and Logic, Etc.|||Grade 12 Biology, Grade 12 Chemistry, Grade 12 Physics, Grade 12 Calculus, Grade 12 English

What is every duty of a Field Captain in a high school marching band?

This is in a band with a Drum Major, Assistant Drum Major, and Field Captain. I was told I'd be conducting anytime they need me backfield, and I'd be in charge of setting drill as a student. I don't really understand if I'll have the power to call the band to attention, help with fundamentals or anything like that. Can somebody maybe help explain further duties?|||It's best to ask your director - that way there is no confusion and no stepping on toes.

If I am planning a high school overnight field trip?

what kind of info do I need to present it to the school board for them to accept. I only have a day to find a staff member who will go with us, etc, and so I was wondering what other types of info I might include. Also, how would I appeal to one of the teachers at my school to get them to go with us? It is an academic field trip.|||A field trip is a great way to combine science, mathematics and fitness. So you should be able to persuade a decent science or physical education teacher to help out. Find a location that has proper facilities (huts, catering, classrooms either bespoke or something that can be pressed into service), and preferably rangers or similar to oversee and in case of emergency. It should have suitable places to observe biology, geology and the like in a safe way, for instance small rivers and creeks but not high cliffs or rapids, open terrain so you can keep the kids in sight to some extent. And of course girls love anything to do with horses.

Just show the school board that you've anticipated what could go wrong, and taken it into account in the planning.

Good luck.

Who is the high school dropout that is very successful in the field of information technology?

Who is the high school dropout that is very successful in the field of information technology? I tried goggle but cant find the answer anyone please help thanks in advance|||Steve Jobs

Harmful effects of being exposed to high magnetic field?

i want to know:

1- what is magnetic field?

2- how magnetic field get high?

3- what the causes of high magnetic field?

4- whats the effects of being exposed to high magnetic field? (i want at least 5 effects)

i want long and full and best answer plz and dont late plz i need it after 1 day|||There are some really great books in the library, or you could just Google it and see what you get. It might be a good idea for you to do your own homework, because otherwise you realy won't learn as much.

MRI's expose their patients to a high magnetic field, and there are no ill effects. I don't know about other types of magnetic fields, though.|||Prolonged movement of electrons causes magnetic fields. here are some side effects to high MF exposure:

1 Equilibrium disruption

2 inablilty to concentrate

3 Mood swings

4 Inability to use electronic equipment|||Nobody throws questions like this at a person who hasn't been given the means to answer them. Were you on Yahoo! Answers instead of reading?

If you have an MRI and have metal in your body, it'll tear it out of you. So if you work in a metalworking shop, they x-ray your head first to see if you have metal particles in your eyes.

What are some good field shows for a high school marching band?

We are looking for some ideas for field shows for our marching band next year and we want to do really fun shows!|||West side story

Phantom of the Opera

Salsa (I'm doing this one this year, and it's pretty cool)

Video Games (like theme songs. you could do some really cool things with this, like pretending that the marching band is part of a video game)

Monty Python

Blues Brothers

I have a theory, could I have a high electromagnetic field, causing?

me to be tired, disoriented, and unable to think clearly? I have always been like this, and no one can figure out why. I feel naseous often as well. I know that high emf can cause these symptoms...so what do you think?|||i think it may be possible. here's what i found out about the side effects of high emf

"Headache, eye irritation, dizziness, nausea , skin rash, facial swelling, weakness, fatigue , pain in joints and/or muscles, buzzing/ringing in ears, skin numbness, abdominal pressure and pain, breathing difficulty, and irregular heartbeat. Additional symptoms have been reported in some individuals such as paralysis, balance problems, body and/or muscle spasms, convulsions, confusion, depression , difficulty in concentrating, seizure, sleep disturbances, and memory difficulties."|||I've been that way too a lot, but not with the headaches, and I eat things (always have) that keep me from getting nauseous. But that causes weight gain. If I diet I get extra weak, and head-achy and depressed, and irritable and nauseous too. I don't know anything about electromagnetic fields though. I do have electric currents in me and have to be careful.|||I certainly hope you have consulted a doctor about this !

To answer your question, an electromagnetic field could effect a person this way but would require severe field strength for you to be so bothered. Unless you live directly next door to a power station or science lab of some kind; my answer is no.

My guess would be more along the line of having inner-ear trouble. Like I said; see a doctor.

What are some good places for a high-school Spanish class field trip to Miami?

I am a Spanish teacher and I live in South Florida, but I'm not from here. I would like to take my students on a field trip to Miami, but I'm not sure which places to take them that would make a good "cultural" experience. Any suggestions?|||Take them to Little Havana. SW 8th St. from about SW 5th Ave. to 27th Ave. That's where the tourist buses go. But you can just walk down 8th St. Probably the epicenter is Domino Park (officially Maximo Gomez Park) where old men sit around the Bay of Pigs memorial, playing dominos %26amp; drinking cafe. A few blocks further west are some ice cream stands where they sell home made coconut ice cream in coconut shells. Look for signs advertising "Coco-frio" or some variation thereof. There are coffee or juice stands every 50 feet or so all up %26amp; down 8th St.|||A new tour company here in Miami just started offering Miami-Cuba Sightseeing tours. Here is a blurb from their website:

"The Miami-Cuba, USA %26amp; Hispanic Florida Tours is more than a sightseeing excursion; it provides a total-sensory cultural experience to tourists visiting Miami. From the cafecito street corners of Calle Ocho to the Samba nightlife of Miami鈥檚 South Beach, the Az煤car Trolley will roll through the streets of Miami's "Little Havana" and Hispanic tourist points offering fully interactive narrated tours of South Florida鈥檚 prominent historical sights 鈥?the Freedom Tower, the Bay of Pigs Memorial, the Memorial of Sim贸n Bol铆var in Bayside, and the Eli谩n Gonz谩lez Home %26amp; Museum among others. Tour options available for corporate, student and trade missions in half-day, one-day, two-day and three-day packages. Seminars upon request. For information, visit www.miamicubausa.com."

For a group rate call 305-754-2206.|||Pump up your liability insurance before you go to Miami with someone's children, take a machine gun for general personal protection !|||You can go to Villa Vizcaya


because it means a lot to the history of Miami

But I think, for a "spanish" education oriented fieldtrip, you may want to take them to a cuban restaurant in Miami, so they can practice their spanish!

Or even a field trip to Florida Int. University, you may want to contact someone in the Spanish dpt. plus they always have cultural events and expos that are free.

www.fiu.edu|||Take them downtown to city hall - IE: building and zoning depts

THEY Only speak the Cuban dialect of Spanish...

You will not hear a word of English in the whole building ...|||If you want them to learn real spanish don't go Cuban! Take them somewhere else. I would sudgest any museum that has a guided tour in Spanish and they can have fun while also listening and practacing their Spanish. Where in South Florida are you?

Where can I find national high school track field records?

I've found different sites, but is there an official site?|||This sounds official: www.trackandfieldnews.com/archive/record鈥?/div>

  • 3 years ago

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thanks, this was helpful.

|||Not sure. Haven't been able to find anything official, myself. trackandfieldnews.com has what seems to be fairly reliable marks.|||maybe look for the school and look for sports. good luck!

How can i calculate the microns so i can be able to answer the diameter of high power field in microns?


magnification of low power objective over the magnification of high power objective times the diamer of field under low power?|||look at this website http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/mag/indexmag.html?http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/mag/artsep01/pjreducing.html

What's a high income career that isnt in the medical field?

whats a high income career that isnt in the medical field because i dont want to go to college for the next 10 years. I was thinking of an accountant. If you know any other good income careers please tell me.|||Lawyer, engineer, architect, accountant (eh... it has potential)

I want to continue track and field after high school?

but I plan on going to the Los Angeles Recording school which does not have a track and field team. It seems that every school I consider doesn't have a team.

However, I was wondering if there was some way I can possible stay involved.

Maybe UCLA will let me run for them even though I'm not a student there? Is that possible?

Or is there any other way?|||If you do not plan on attending UCLA they will not allow you to run for them. But you can join track and field clubs. But I tell you now, you will not be a priority to them. Meaning if you are looking for advancement in Track and Field and plan on doing big things with it, most coaches won't really look at you twice if you are not part of something bigger (like a college or a high schooler). Once you graduate from High School, track and field is not the same.

So, if you really want to try for greater things in Track, it would be best to go to a University that has a track team. If you just want to do track for fun, and to keep in shape; continue with your plan on going to a Los Angeles Recording school, and join a track and field club on the side|||Besides joining a club which from you're question it does not sound like you want to do

There is always the option of going pro, which of course would be very difficult and not very likely

I don't really see any other options

I hope you do find something though

Best of luck|||Look at www.usatf.org and go to the Southern Ca. association site.

You can find the track chair and clubs and coaches that will help you run track after high school and college.|||You need to join a track and field club. UCLA can't let you run for them if you aren't attending the school but there are plenty of track clubs in the LA area.|||Perhaps this can help:

Track and Field Links: Clubs -


Where do you go to figure out your ranking in track in field if you're in high school?

I am in high school and want to know what my ranking in the state and league (bay state) for track and field is|||from this webite, add your state, city and school then you can find your name=)

Houston Texas High School Track and Field?

Would like to know if there are any females coaching track and field in Houston, Texas high schools?|||There are lots of females coaching track and field in Texas, and in Houston. If you mean females coaching boys rather than girls there are a few.

Ping too high on Battle Field Bad Company II?

Ping too high on Battle Field Bad Company II?

I have just purchased Battle Field II for PC and I am not able to play because my ping is so high. I have a brand new computer and I do not believe its my internet because I play plenty of first person shooters on Xbox 360. What Could it be.|||1. The server you are trying to play on is too slow for the number of users/ or its too far away from your physical location. Try playing on a different game server.

2. Are there several network switches between your PC and your household internet modem? If so, you may want to try accessing the modem through less switches.

Most likely the server is having issues.

Where can i find the summer programs that help high school students have experience in the medical field?

I'm only a sophomore in high school but I really want to attend one of the summer programs that can help aspiring high school students who want to someday have a job in the medical field.|||This probably isn't what you are looking for, but when I was your age, I did a teen volunteer program at the hospital. It was really awesome because I actually got to work all around the hospital - I delivered flowers, was a greeter, and did filing in some labs.

You'll get experience plus volunteer experience looks great on college application!|||well, um, google it? [=

Should I go on this high school field trip?

My teacher is getting this thing together where she takes some of the school to Italy (you have to sign up to go). I signed up today, but this girl told me that something sounded strange about it. I have no idea what she meant by that, but now I'm second guessing if I should go or not.

Should I do?|||If you're concerned, have your parents personally check into the details of the trip. The teacher should be more than willing to provide them (and if she's not, THEN I'd start reconsidering whether or not to go).|||I'd say no, but i'm just paranoid. also i wouldn't want to be with strangers practically.

How high does the University of Minnesota (twin cities) rank in the Higher Education field?

is it in the top 20?|||It is tied for 64th place on the US News list. That is a very good ranking.

What options exist in high school track and field?

I've been considering joining track and field, but I strongly dislike running. What other sports are available? Stuff like hurdles, discus...what else? Thanks.|||Uh, you could play golf.|||For throwing, the standard is shot put and discus... I think there may be some others. There's always high jump, long jump, triple jump, and my favorite, pole vault (I pole vaulted in high school and had a ton of fun with it). Hurdles are an option but that does involve running.|||Throwing Events:

shot put, discus, javelin, hammer

Jumping Events:

high jump, long jump, triple jump, hurdles

Other than these, everything else is running|||you can throw and jump. Thats basically it|||ITALIANO PLEASE

What is the Jazz's all-time team high field goal percentage in a game?





A high paying job in the medical field with no more than 10years of school?

Im a junior in high school and i want to become a anesthesiologist but its 14years to complete it..and I'm not sure if i can go 2 school 4 so long(money wise %26amp; time)

i was wondering if any of you guys can help me find high paying job in the medical field without so many years of school. please ill appreciate it.|||It doesn't exist, sweetheart.

The high paying jobs require a LOT of training and a LOT of work. Anesthesiologists who make a lot of money work a lot of hours, maybe 60-80 a week, and those who make the really big bucks work in places where nobody else wants to work.

We earn every penny of what we make.

It doesn't look like you have the drive to succeed in any area of medicine. Have you considered business or law?|||Radiologist makes alot more than anesthesiologist and requires only 8 years of school 4 college, 2 medical and 2 training (i think) but if you want to be a doctor you have to go through alot of school

Is it possible to pass a field sobriety test high?

i know if you were drunk you would probably fail. has anyone passed it high or drunk?|||Anything that alters your body can affect field sobriety tests. This includes alcohol or drugs. If you are showing signs of impairment and there is little or no alcohol detected with a breath test, then the officer will most likely take you for a blood test.

Our department has a Drug Recognition Expert (DRE). He administers even more tests, and can actually narrow down the type of drug you are impaired by.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drug_Recogn鈥?/a>|||Why do so many people still believe a field sobriety test is about the TASKS. It is about giving the officer the opportunity to OBSERVE the suspect attempting things that being 'under the influence' affects their ability to do. An experienced officer can tell you are high or drunk.

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|||No way those people are trained and not dumb don't do it you will loose every time.|||Of course it is possible, if you were a habitual heavy drinker and had not actually had that many drinks but were over the legal limit then your body would be tolerant and would be able to pass a basic test, you would not be able to beat a breathalyzer or blood test though.|||No, and I wouldn't try it. You will more than likely get arrested.

Officers are very well trained in SFST (Standard Field Sobriety Testing). There are several different elements to this test. Some, you might be able to pass, depending on your tolerance. However, you do not have any control over your nystagmus.

Nystagmus is a natural bouncing movement in your eyes that takes place when a person is drunk or under the influence of drugs. You can not train yourself to pass this part of the test.

As an officer, I would suggest that you lay off the drugs, and definitely don't drive when you are high or drunk.|||Unfortunately, the answer to this is yes. If you have not been drinking and you don't have the odor of marijuana on you at the time you are stopped, it is more difficult to detect that you are under the influence of anything. An officer has to be competent enough to realize that your driving is affected by something other than alcohol, which is detectable by odor, and then have the tenacity to follow through with an investigation. This will mean taking you in for a blood draw requiring, no doubt, a search warrant. Most officers don't have the tenacity or willingness to go that far.

Recently, there have been additional physical sobriety tests being developed. These have to do with central nervous tests that affect the eyes and small motor muscles. They are affected differently by the various drugs of abuse, and yes I include alcohol as a drug of abuse. So the ability of non-alcohol intoxicated drivers to escape detection is decreasing.|||They don't have tests to see if you're high. If they did pot would be legal, that's one of the main problems concerning the legal/decriminalization of weed.

In all honesty it's going to be very hard to create a field test simply because of the argument I did it yesterday or 10 hours ago.

To answer your question: Yes, it's actually very easy.|||Yeah, it all depends on your tolerance to alcohol or drugs...you can not however pass a blood test.

What is a good time for a mile in high school field hockey?

I think that's a great time to get for a mile. My field hockey team tries to aim for before 8:30 at the worst time so if you are getting a time under that i'd say that is great and to train more on sprints then distance.|||6 to 7 mins!! ....mines 6:18 (:|||I cant run, but I have family whose been clocked at 4:37 in highschool

I run track and field in high school rite now and i want to get noticed by ivy-league coaches?

i heard contacting ivy league coaches for certain sports helps your admission proccesses is this true? if so, do i just email these coaches telling them i am interested in running track for college? btw ive been varsity for indoor and outdoor track since freshmen year, qualified for districts and regionals, broke school records.|||Just look on the school's website for the email of the coach--then just email him telling him you're interested in running for him. Tell him your name, age, what school you go to, and your best times. You might want to do a little research ahead of time to see what kind of times the current people on his team are running, so you'll know about where you'd fit in. If you feel like you have some work to do, let the coach know your goals. Also, you should probably point out your grades and stuff.

When he emails you back, he'll probably want you to fill out a form or something with your top times and some general academic info. Just make sure you email him every once in a while with updates on your races.

Last, you'll probably want to visit these schools. You get 4(?) official visits where the schools will pay for you to come and see the university. Take advantage of them--it'll let the coach know you're interested, and it will help you make a decision.

However, an Ivy League is an Ivy League, and you still need to have good grades (just not as ridiculously good).|||I attend an Ivy League school and a lot of our runners were state and nationally ranked. Once you get to that level, they'll call you. You won't have to worry about calling them.

You can fill out recruitment forms on most Ivy sports websites. Sports won't necessarily help your admission - unless you are nationally ranked. So, you'll notice that the forms start with GPA, SAT, SAT IIs, class rank, etc.

Hi are there any high schools in san diego that caters to students who want to pursue in the medical field?

My daughter is 13 and has very good GPA scores (3.8 to 4).She wants to be a doctor and likes to go to a high school which caters to students who want to be in the medical field in the future like her. Is there such high schools in san diego? What is the education path she has to take that will lead her to her desired career?|||I agree that UC San Diego is great for studying medicine. I don't know of any high school that caters to students in the medical field, but you might want to try to see if UCSD has a high school outreach program. As a matter of fact, try any school to see if they have such a program or a medical facility where she can volunteer. It might be good for her to try these during her school breaks especially during the summers.

Try this site:



http://www.sharp.com/jobs/index.cfm?id=7鈥?/a>|||she should just go to a regular high school, i don't think there is a "special high school for future doctors". But after she can transfer straight to UC San Diego. I think they have a good medical program

Are these good games for high school field day?

I'm in charge of the field day and these are the games i came up with:

duck duck goose

capture the flag

option b/w soccer/vball/dodgeball

tug of war

relay race (obstacles and stuff)

waterballoon dodgeball (protect the king *homeroom teacher*)

the student council last year did such a lousy job on sports day so it's my responsibility to make it perfect this year.

how are they?

thanks beforehand:)|||we had a kickball tournement last year. that was fun. just let the kids make their own teams. duck duck goose sounds fun :D|||4 sure

A high school is planning to build a new playing field surronded by a running track. The track coach wants two?

A high school is planning to build a new playing field surronded by a running track. The track coach wants two laps around the track to be 1000 m. The football coach wants the rectangular infield area to be as large as possible. Can both coaches be satisified? Explain your answer.|||Sure, both coaches can be satisfied...

Good luck!

What jobs can I try to apply in computer or network field after high school?

just finished high school and just moved to Dallas i finished 1 year Tulsa technology Center and got cyber security certificate and took some java programing at school I also know russian and like to race lol. I really don't want to work as checker or busboy and I applied at circuit city firedog but no reply... |||Look for helpdesk jobs. Its the gateway job for IT. I got a helpdesk job (starting as an intern) straight outta school and learned enough that I went to PC Tech then to Network Admin in 18 months. A lot of companies will hesitate to get someone out of highschool so you may have to settle for some sort of retail or computer repair job if you need money fast. One of the most valuable things you can get is your MCSE certification. You get that, a helpdesk job is guarenteed then you can learn a tremendous amount very quickly and move up the ladder.

Just send out as many resumes as possible, make sure to highlight EVERYTHING you know about computers and be confident in your interviews and you can land that help desk job.|||probably pulling cables, unless you get lucky.

try some local computer shops there may be a few hiring.

What is a high paying job in science field that does NOT require you to go to medical school?

What is a high paying job in science field that does NOT require you to go to medical school?

say for example i am majoring in biology or chemistry but I do NOT want to go to medical school or any other type of medical school. what is a job that pays atleast 80K starting after you graduate with a degree in biology or chemistry or nutrritional sciences or even biochemistry???|||Thats very difficult, especially to start out with that much pay with no grad school work....

all i can think of really, is biomedical engineering....which is hard to find in schools....BUT, its more electrical than it is medical....bascily your responsible for taking care and maintainin/operating mri machines and what not....

its good pay, considering to have a person scaned is $4-6 grand. so your income would be relativley good compared to others|||Most science jobs aren't directly medical-related. You could go be a scientist in a drug company, a paint company, a plastics company, a fertilizer company...anything that uses chemicals really. But to get a high paying job you'll need either experience or a doctorate, because many of the other people applying for them will have both. Just a first degree, no matter where it's from, will have you pretty low down the pecking order, simply because you'll be so short on real practical work experience.

What is a high paying job in science field that does NOT require you to go to medical school?

What is a high paying job in science field that does NOT require you to go to medical school?

say for example i am majoring in biology or chemistry but I do NOT want to go to medical school or any other type of medical school. what is a job that pays atleast 80K starting after you graduate with a degree in biology or chemistry or nutrritional sciences or even biochemistry???|||Bachelor's degrees aren't worth much. Therefore I reccomend getting at least a master's degree in biochemistry or microbiology. Even so few start out at 80k.|||Chrmical engineer. (you're not going to get to the top w/ a bachelors though. Still need a masters minimum and a Ph.D eventually. But it's not med school.)

In the top five for entry level salaries, and diverse possibilities.|||Your chances of making that kind of money right out of school with a bachelors degree in the sciences is zero. Even with a PhD it is going to be really difficult to pull down that kind of coin until you have put in some serious dues paying time.

Can a high voltage electric field cause any harm to our bodies?

Lets say we stand in the middle of 2 plates conductor with static current.|||Since the nerve impulses in the body are electrical in nature, there certainly would be disuptions in them, if we are put in a strong electric or magnetic field.|||It should not be any problem as long as you did not get grounded some way.|||Of course a high voltage field will cause harm. The question is to whom? You can have babies that will be born with abnormalities.

Your body already runs on water and very small electric currents So, if you add to it your unborn can be affected.|||high voltage electricfield can definitely upsets cells of our body thereby causing harm to our body|||As long as it's a static charge, it won't be generating any magnetic field, so as long as it doesn't discharge on to you you'll be fine.

Of course, when you turn it on, or walk into it, there will be a change in the charge which will create a magnetic effect. If it's powerful enough even those few seconds exposure could cause you serious harm, so don't actually try it.|||It depends. If you get shocked you can be seriously burnt. If you stand between the two plates and are earthed then you'll take the full brunt of the charge.|||There has been much evidence of problems to humans and animals that spend a lot of time close to high voltage electricity cables.

Does La Crosse Central High School have there own football field?

I see they been playing on UW-La Crosses football field for its regular season games. I know its brand new. But I don't see Madison WI high school teams using Camp Randall Stadium for there football games.|||I don't think this is a question for a national forum.

Try a more local forum.|||I'm not sure but ask Al Coholoic. He might know. Haha just kidding dude, "La Crosse" reminded me of the sport and yeah. Anyway's I agree with what he said, I've never heard of the school you are talking about, I'd suggest calling the school and straight up asking them. They'd know for sure.|||In the park

Who donated the football field to Lapwai High School?

Okay so I heard that someone famous or something or other... donated a lot of money for the football field out in Lapwai, Idaho to come about. Anyone know anything about that?|||Lillian Bounds (Disney)|||Lol, small towns. Why don't you contact your local chamber of commerce or city hall? They should be able to tell you.

Hey Bob, anytime you want to stop being an a**, feel free to let me know, k tough guy? I'm FROM a small town, not being insulting, more often than NOT, school administrators will have not a clue in the world who donated a certain amount of money to their organization, it would be CITY or TOWNSHIPS that the donor would have to go through. I worked for city hall in a town with a pop. of less than 10,000 for 4 and half years. I'm giving her info so she won't be b.s'd and transferred around for her answer.

Call it like I see it, "Sarge". And don't question my parenting tactics, please, when you pass a child through YOUR body, come and talk to me about parenting skills. You have not a clue in the world, my friend.|||"Lol, small towns. Why don't you contact your local chamber of commerce or city hall? They should be able to tell you."

Or contact the school, itself.


Mama2be. Rather touchy aren't you? All I did was suggest contacting the school. All the high football stadiums I officiated at, or attended as a fan, had plaques stating the donor, or donors, of the facility. Better increase your hormone dosage, and cool down. And do away with the name calling. It doesn't befit a future Mommy.

Sarge|||The Lapwai Indian tribe paid for it from the millions the they made in their casino business.|||DONALD TRUMP

What is the easiest way to convert "cubic millimeters" to "per high powered field" and vice versa?

CHECK OUT MATHS.COM CONVERSION AND TABLES|||Well your question just went straight over my head

How in the world was Michio Kaku able to build a particle accelerator around his high-school football field?

Where would he have procured the materials?|||Google to the rescue: http://bigthink.com/ideas/19050

Would high school students be able to drink while on a field trip to Italy?

I am an 18 year old high school student from the United States and my class is going to Italy this spring for a field trip. Some of my friends and I were wondering if we would be able to drink while we were out un Italy. What are the drinking age limits in Italy? Are there any restrictions on us drinking because we're Americans?|||There is no law stating a limit of age for drinking any kind of alcoholic drink, art 689 Codice Penale forbids serving alcoholic drinks to minors under 16 in public places like restaurants, pubs, etc. A proposal to increase the purchasing age to 18 has been rejected by parliament in 2007.

Your teachers may be risking their jobs if they allow you to drink, its not just about the law.

When I was 12 years old we went to France (from UK) where we were allowed to drink wine, but the teachers made us keep the bottles off the tables, I think so they would not be in a photos|||You can drink. My school [UK] go around europe all the time. The teachers don't enjoy it, but who cares. They impose restrictions on you such as being 'home' at a certain time. But no, no laws stopping you. Its legal! Enjoy|||There is no law about you drinking but since you are traveling with you school you are required to follow the rules they set out. If you are drinking your chaperones could cause problems for you when you return. You could get suspended from school. If your chaperones are cool then you probably will be able to sample and drink a little as long as you act responsibly and appropriately and don't get piss *** drunk.

You are of legal drinking age in Italy though.|||I'm Italian.

Yes, you can drink alchol in Italy from 16 years old. There are any restriction on you!

What high paying jobs are there that are NOT in the medical field?

I want to be able to make more money than my significant other some day ;) ha, but all of the high paying jobs are in the medical or science field and I'm no good at science. So I was just curious|||Sorry the medical field, engineering, and computer science are probably the best for pay and job security. Next would be finance/business majors.|||Any area of engineering or physics.

Not in science; math

accounting, actuary|||Acting

What was the name of the first song The Fray sang when they opened for U2 at Invesco Field at Mile High?

When the Fray opened for U2 at Invesco Field at Mile High on May 21, 2011 what is the name of the very first song they sang after taking the stage??|||Here it is, I think:

What is high school track and field like?

I'm a junior in high school and I'm determined to join the track team in the spring, for the first time.

I recently lost thirty pounds by simple exercising and diet, but I haven't ran in a while.

I want to know what track will be like. As in the schedule, the running, and anything else.

Thank you.|||For my school it goes something like:

practice every from 3:00-5:00. Workouts would usually alternate between difficult or just plain recovery.

Our dual meets would take place once a week. Invitationals are usually always on weekends. I'm assuming you're going into long distance running. I'd suggest to work out casually from now til then.

Just try to stay in shape because when the times comes and you're not in shape, the first week is gonna feel like complete, utter HELL, haha. Monitor your progress and run an official mile every now and then and time it.

I'll tell you this now and I'm going to be blunt: Try to be good. Alot of people who tend to do track don't stay dedicated to it. They show up every other day just because teams are big and coaches don't want to waste time keeping track of who's there and who's not unless you're among the top 8 or so for whatever event you're doing in your division. Stay dedicated. If you don't feel like you're up to it based on your times and whatnot, then work to the point where you'll feel like you can do decently. So when the season rolls around you'll already be ahead of the game. I'm sprinter so I don't know much about improving endurance or distance running through various methods but do your research and ask around. I'm pretty there's more workouts out there other than just running miles that'll improve your stamina and speed.

The fact that you've loss so much weight and came on here to ask this question tells me that you want to take track seriously and I commend you for that.|||Well for my school, a typical day goes like this...

Practice from 3:30-5:30

Warm up as a whole team, then break up into sections for separate workouts (pole vaulters, shot putters, sprinters, distance...)

Then you have meets with other schools about 3 times a week

Microscopes.. What happends to the diameter of the field of view as you move from high to low magnification?

what happends to the diameter of the field of view as you move from high to low magnification?|||It increases.


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What is the best field in computer high graphic & animation?

there is a lots of field in high graphic %26amp; animation but what is the best field|||Good question. I have a daughter who is a college Freshman, studying at an art school in the field of media arts, computer graphics and animation. I will follow your question with interest as I'd like to know the answer myself.

I can tell you that a couple of the more acclaimed colleges in this field of study are Full Sail Academy in Orlando, Florida:


...and Digipen in Redmond, Washington:


I've also heard Virginia Tech is good for this field. FYI / Hope this helps.

What careers in the Business field have a high pay?

I know the Business Field is very broad, but what job could an average guy have and make alot of money? Maybe even up to 100K?|||CEO, you can make millions.|||Sales - if you can sell, you can make a lot of money in any industry!|||Stock broker

Why does a voltmeter have to have a high resistance to measure an accurate value for an EM field?

This is in a circuit with a high-resistance voltmeter being used to measure the EM field of the cell. Please Help!|||Electro magnetic fields are usually measured by very small currents that are generated(induced) inside a metallic conductor (like a copper wire) when the conductor moves inside the field. These currents are very small in magnitude(unless u move the conductor at a very high speed, like turbines in power plants move the generator's armature), and since V=R/i , measuring a small current 'i' will show a very large Voltage value on the voltmeter(larger than it can show on a small dial), so for the accurate measurement the scale (range of values seen on a voltmeter) is reduced by reducing the V value, for which we increase the R value which is the high resistance you are refereeing to.

Hope this helps!|||First of all V = I X R not R/I I have no idea what harshsheath is talking about nor does he.

Let's make this simple. Really what Wesley is talking about is voltage. So he is really asking why do voltameters need a high resistance value to accurately measure a voltage.

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|||Answer is because the resistance of the voltmeter is put in parallel with the resistance of what the voltameter is measuring. If the resistance were small then the voltage would be way under the true voltage of what is being measured. The higher the resistance of meter, the more accureate reading

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|||There is always what is referred to as an internal resistance in a battery. If the volt meter had a low resistance, then there would be a much higher current flow through the circuit, and the internal resistance of the battery would itself have a voltage drop across it, and that would reduce the reading of the voltage drop across the volt meter: which is to say the volt meter would yield too low a reading.,|||Consider that electrical voltage is similar to water pressure and a voltmeter is used to measure a drop in electrical pressure between two points in a circuit without contributing significantly to the current flow causing the pressure drop. You would not want a lot of current bypassing the circuit resistor you are trying to evaluate (similar to allowing a lot of water to flow past a valve in a pipe?). Therefore, the voltmeter has a high resistance but a calibrated meter very sensitive to the small current it has to draw. That is opposed to an ammeter in which you want all of the current (electrons) to flow through the meter with minimal voltage drop.|||In order to make a measurement, a voltmeter will need to sample some of the current from the voltage source it is trying to measure. If a voltmeter requires too much sample current, then the act of making the measurement will affect the very voltage we are trying to measure giving us an inaccurate reading.

A voltmeter that draws too much current would cause a voltage drop to appear 'across' the cell's internal resistance so that the less voltage is available at the terminals where it is being measured.

Therefore, the best voltmeters are those that take as little current as possible in order to make a measurement and these are the high resistance or high impedance voltmeters types (normally with a high impedance FET input stage).

What are good girls track and field marks for high school?

I want to know what a good and great mark is for girls....



Long jump

High jump



(sorry if it's a lot)|||Fantastic Times:

400 Meters:

Youth Girls (1996-1997): 56 secs. - 1 minute

Intermediate Girls (1994-1995): 54 secs. - 57 secs.

Young Women (1993-1992): 52 secs. - 55 secs.


Youth Girls (1996-1997): Not sure.

Intermediate Girls (1995-1994): 30 meters - 20 meters

Young Women (1993-1992): 48 meters - 28 meters

Long Jump:

Youth Girls (1996-1997): 5.00 meters - 3.80 meters

Intermediate Girls (1995-1994): 5.50 meters - 4.50 meters

Young Women (1993-1992): 5.70 meters - 4.70 meters

High Jump:

Youth Girls (1996-1997): 1.60 meters - 1.45 meters

Intermediate Girls (1995-1994): 1.65 meters - 1.50 meters

Young Women (1993-1992): 1.70 meters - 1.55 meters

Could not locate 1600 meters.|||I'm a guy but I did high jump its really fun. In high jump because you gradually increase height so you get to do a lot more than other things like long jump where you jump once and it's done. Also in high jump you don't even need to have gigantic legs or be super tall (although it helps).|||i'm a runner so i can answer 2 of those. 400m-1:05 1600m-6:10

How do I start a high school track and field invite?

I'm a high school senior and for the past two years of running track, our team has been wanting to create one but never really thought about it. Is there a way I can set a track invite up for about 4 or 5 schools by May or June?

What all do I need to make it successful?|||Don't the track coaches usually set up all of the meets and organizes everything like that and the kids just run in the races? I am not sure I understand your question.|||Sure, it is easy. Plan it for a saterday morning (before it gets hot) or an afternoon. Have your coaches arrange it- i think it is set up the same way as a dual meet, you just invite more schools. Have a snack/drink stand, as these things usually are longer then normal meets. You also need to decided if it will be varsity and jv racing together, just varsity or jv and varsity separate. This will depend on how many schools you invite, you want to have alot of runners but not too many. Medals are usually awarded at this type of thing but if you cant get any tee shirts are nice too.

Im looking for a job or internship within the medical field for high school students. Any help?

There are programs called SEEP,STEP,and SCEP that are for student employment but cant find hospitals or medical centers or anything related to medicine involved like that.|||You're going to have a hard time finding anything related to patient care if you are under 18.

Also, you don't want to use the term "internship" in the medical field - that is a specific term used to describe the first year of residency (training after completing medical school).

I'd suggest talking to your school guidance counselor - they might have more information.|||Pangolin is right; NEVER refer to it as an Internship. That term is reserved for young medical doctors immediately after graduation from medical school. You would probably be booted out of the hospital on your rear if you told someone you were there for your "internship," and it turned out you had not actually graduated from medical school. In fact, visions of criminal fraud cross my mind. As for a high school student, you will not be allowed in anything involving direct patient care. However, you might inquire about the "Candy Striper" program in your local hospital, or spend some time as a hospital volunteer. But at the high school level, you would be restricted to such mundane tasks as distributing newspapers or magazines, or perhaps running little errands to the gift shop for a patient. Again, you would be escorted out of the hospital by security guards if you were caught engaging in anything resembling patient care, even so much as to change a Band-Aid.

Can I get in trouble for running across the field in a spandex suit at a high school football game?

I am 17, me and two friends want to buy red SuperFan Spandex Suits and run across the field during a time out at our high school football game. Can we get in trouble with the school or the law if they catch us?|||Yes u will certainly get in trouble and would have to do community service for your wrongdoing.|||Me and a friend of mine were freshman last year and we crashed the junior prom in full spandex suits. we didnt get into any trouble with the law even though it was a cop who made us get out and stuff but we got off with a warning from the principke saying that if we slip up even the slightest ever again it will be an immediate 5 day suspension|||Ya but you'd get a hell of a good laugh out of watching the fat Principal chase you across the field. Damn I'd pay for that to happen in my high school.

Track and field schedule for high school?

I'm not sure if the time of year for track and field differs by what the school is, but what is the general time of year that it starts for high school?|||At my school practice starts in January *Inside of course* and meets usually start in March, I live in Illinois so it might be different in other states, but this is a general idea.|||Indoor usually starts in january and outdoor in April.

What are some awesome field show Ideas you have for a high school marching band?

What are some themes for a High School Marching band?

My director said to suggest some themes for next years field show but I can't think of any. He said he doesn't want anything Rock and roll. Please suggest some ideas please!!|||^^NBC is awesome we did it this year.|||Nightmare before christmas?

Something Technoey with fireworks or strobes?|||One year my high school couldn't afford marching uniforms so they bought blue overalls and straw hat's and played a jazzy swing arrangement of yankee doodle called "Doo Da". I think they played turkey in the straw or something like that too.

What classes do you need in high school to be in the medical/ surgery field?

its for school. What are some genral classes needed to go into the medical field. what classes do I need to trake in high school that will bring me to the level I need?|||Biology, Chem if you can, but most of what you will need will come at the college level so just keep your grades up|||In addition to what was already mentioned...make sure to take at least some of the "higher-level" math courses, as they usually like you to have a lot of math knowledge in order to do science. You can talk to your school counselor about exactly which ones you need.|||biology %26amp; chemistry would be helpful but there are really no requirements in high school.

I went to Nursing school after I graduated high school %26amp; started from there.|||Well, you really dont need any specific classes. Taking anatomy would be helpful. If they offer it at your school. Other than that. theres really nothing you have to take.|||To be in that field you need 4 years of college 3 years of med school and have to inten for 2 years. Do you really think your high school classes matter? I am going to say NO.

But, you shoudl take biology to see if it is an interesting topic!|||Well, to be honest, you're not really REQUIRED to take any classes in high school that will help you along in the medical field--you learn all of that in college. HOWEVER, I know that the two friends I have who ended up being doctors took all the science and health classes they could, especially anatomy. And of course, try your best to keep your grades up, get involved in extracurriculars, stuff like that...Good luck!:)|||You will need a good base in chemistry and biology.|||I don't know about specific classes as they vary among schools, but you would need all the sciences up to Physics or higher if available (Biology, Chemistry, etc), Psychology, Critical Thinking courses, and some that cover interpersonal communications.|||Biology, chemistry, physics, advanced math classes... that sounds about right.|||You need to take the full load of science classes, biology, chemistry, physics, biochemistry or whatever advanced science classes you HS offers. Other classes are dependent on the requirements for a HS diploma. If your school offers it, I'd suggest Latin, which will really help with a lot of medical vocabulary. Greek is also useful, but not commonly taught. I'd also suggest you volunteer at the local hospital.|||High school doesn't matter. College pre-med courses is what matters, but in order to prepare for college premed courses, just take the regulars:

Chemistry I

Chemistry II

Physics A

Physics B

Biology I

Biology II

Anatomy %26amp; Physiology



Enlgish I, II, III, IV

Algebra I

Algebra II






These are all great prep-courses for college pre-med or pre-nursing.|||all needed lol plus chemistry and biology and anatomy would be a plus|||biology, chemistry|||Lifesaving, if your school offers it and has a pool for Lifeguard %26amp; CPR classes.

Driver's Ed, in case you want to drive a firetruck or ambulance.

Latin, for all of those crazy words used in the human body parts. Handy for nursing and pre-med school!

Science/ Math of course!

Art, if you want to go into prosthetics...

Those would be my suggestions as a former EMT, CNA...I should have gone onto RN or Life Flight Paramedic!

Oh, sex ed! Working with nurses is HOT and you don't want to get "burned." ;)|||Biology, Chemistry, Pre-calc or Calc, and you should be able to read professional journals.

Professional journals are very technical and require a level of education that average folk do not posses. Professional Journals are also known as period publications and can be found at your local university or community college library.

Professional journals are NOT magazines. In fact to be able to read and Understand them, you will need experience with Statistics.

Good Luck|||the main class you need is biology|||You need to excel in chemistry, biology, anatomy, and other sciences.

Where do I find nashville high school track and field archives from 1981-1986?

I'm looking for Nashville High school track and field articles from 1981-1986 for a comparison of skill and time improvements. I recall a sportswriter, Cindy Smith having sports coverage including event finalists and winning times,heights, lengths etc. in either The Tennessean or Nashville Banner during this era.|||well you aren't going to find a Nashville archives and if you if you did it would be pretty rare but you will find and archive of Tennessee high school track and field at the thsaa (Tennessee high school athletic association) you will find the all time leaders and state winners and runners etc there/'/

How do I improve my arm strength in baseball? I play right field in high school.?

Also, I sometimes have a hard time judging where line drives land (whether the ball will go over my head or drop in front of me) Any tips?

Appreciate it.|||Long toss is one of the basic building blocks of improving arm strength, it can and probably should be done almost everyday. It is important to understand that long toss is not throwing on a line as hard as you can to a partner...many people don't perform long toss correctly and end up doing more damage than good.

When long tossing you should be striving to throw for maximum distance. You should be throwing the ball at about a 45 degree angle with a long smooth throwing motion...it's not the kind of throw you would make if you were trying to throw out a runner. Any long toss session should last at least 20 minutes to be effective.

Also, Theraband workouts are great for arm strengthening, they allow you to work a wide range of motions without risk of injury.


It is also important to work the back and core (abs and lowerback) as well, these muscles aid in throwing and are used in decelerating your arm after the throw. If they are neglected you could pull something in your back or arm. And be sure to work opposing muscles evenly. If you're working your biceps, work the triceps equally. If you're work your back, work the chest equally. If you don't work opposining muscles one group can get stronger than the other and will lead to more pulls.

I am a firm believer in theraband routines...my arm strength dramatically improved when I started using them a few years ago.|||To improve arm strength, you can lift weights every other day, then on your off days do some long-tossing. Work especially on triceps and your core.

Long-tossing basically improves everything about your throw, accuracy, power, and timing.|||long tossing is the best way to improve arm strength. i play right field as well and the only way i know of to improve on line drives hit at you is to just take alot of them. stay after practice and get coach to hit fungo right at you and get a couple crates every day. also you can sometimes tell how well the ball is hit by the sound the bat makes. the louder sound usually means the ball is hit well and you should probably drop step for it.|||My son also plays but not for high school "yet". He's too young. Weights should help, but also try push ups which help upper arm strength. As for the line drives, I recommend to always play back. It's always easier to run forward then to have to run back on the ball. Once you see that the ball is going to land infront of you, run in for the catch and throw, that way you have a shorter distance to throw. Hope this help|||resistence band ball|||NEVER lift weights!!!!!!!! Don't listen to these bozos who tell you to lift weights. More than anything else weights will restrict for arm motion more than anything. Eat right and do stretching exercises under a licensed trainers watchful eye. Have as many good catches with teammates and learn to have drills that will increase your range as an outfielder. Long catches of 75 to 100 feet and longer. Drills learning to hit your cutoff man. That's how you get better. Weights will kill your arm.|||listen lifting weights properly will do anything but restrict your arm streangth, you need to lift positives and negatives. if you work your chest make cure to work your back and shoulders, if you work the bicep work your deltoid and tricep as well. long toss will help your arm streangth and accuracy but most important is you technique, you dont want to short arm the ball and tear your rotator cuff, make sure to explode with your legs and chest torwards the plate and let your arm follow. As for line drives its all about practice and even with practice your not going to be able to judge every ball properly but you need to learn how to adjust to the ball. never take your eye off, take long strides, and never cross your feet over (easy to fall, and slow recovery). just practice and work on the little things.|||Like someone else said, lifting weights definetly helps. When you do focus on your core, triceps, and shoulder muscles and that will strenghthen the major muscles you need for throwing. Long toss as much as you can helps the most because it also strengthens your arm. Also when you field a ball remembr to have an exaggerated "crow hop" and that helps too.

For fielding line drives like you mentioned (I had problems with those as well, I currently play high school ball and am much improved on this) make sure you always remember to take your first step back and if you wait a little bit you should be able to judge it. Playing deeper also helps , but the main thing is first step back. Repition is also big, when you take lots and lots of fly ball practice judging the ball will come much easier, it did for me. Good luck, hopefully this helps.|||To improve arm strength lift weights not heavy though. Use light weights and do a lot of reps. Make sure you stretch your arms before and after. Play long toss daily. Stand in right field and have the other person stand in the infield. As far as judging line drives that takes practice....the more you practice the easier it gets.|||Well, what you first got do is start a running practice program, start it with an instructor or without him, this way your legs and upper boy will help you impulse in the moment you thorw the ball. Another thing to help you get flexibility and ressistence is doing running lines, for example you draw 20 lines, in parallel with 2 or 3 meter of distance each other, start running from the first to the second, and then run back to the first, then from the first to the third then go back to the first, then from the first to the fourth, then run back to the first, keep doing this until you get to the 20th. Every time you get to a line you have to touch it in the floor with your throwing arm (right or left).

Dependeing on your age, you can't throw in a manner that could get your arm injured. Try to get to a gym to examine your strenghts, and get revised by a trainer who will get the best cardiovascular and other exercises that best fit your needs for right now.

Remember that this is something that you odn't do from night to the other day, this requires a lot of discipline and you'll see progress as time passes by...|||Long toss and lifting weights focusing on the shoulder, bicep, and tricep. As far as line drives go. You need to take a step to try to get to the side of the ball to get a siide view of the trajectory. Line drives are the hardest ball to judge so don't feel to bad if it takes a little while to adjust.|||wait on the ball in till u can see where its going|||Contact Balco, C/O Barry Bonds|||Junior baseball.com has a whole section for building a cannon arm. It gives u great workouts not only for your arm but for your bat and glove ect. Also use the brim of your hat to judge the ball. when it is hit if the ball is over the brim of your hat it is over your head.|||The easiest way is to get your coach or someone to smack line drives or pop flys into right field. Stand in between Center Field and Right field. When the ball is hit run towards the ball. Try to go atleast 8 for 10. I'm sure this'll help a lot